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vacuum bell jar systems

Welcome to our Vacuum Bell Jar website

Here you can purchase complete vacuum bell jar or cylinder systems and accessories, supported by a reputable company with over 40 years experience in the high vacuum industry who have supplied some of the biggest names in the industry, all across the globe.

Our Vacuum bell jars are available in many sizes, including the popular and enduring 12″ x 14″ used on laboratory coating units. 

Unlike some suppliers our Bell Jars and Cylinders are measured on the internal diameter (ID) as we are aware that some supplier’s bell jars are a tight, if not impossible fit over existing electrode configurations.

All our Vacuum Bell Jars and Cylinders are manufactured from Borosilicate glass, the edges are fire polished and then ground. 
After manufacture all are fully annealed to give maximum strength and minimum stress within the material.

Our Vacuum Belljar Chambers are manufactured from high quality materials, selected  to withstand High vacuum pressures. 

All the Systems are fitted with vibration resistant glycerine filled Vacuum Gauges which provide stable readings, calibrated to class 1.6. 

The systems have been developed and manufactured by our staff, who possess extensive knowledge and experience, with an in depth understanding of high vacuum pumps and processes.

All completed Belljar systems and pipework are mass spectrometer leak tested in house, ensuring quality and reliability.

vacuum bell jar products
Bell Jar Systems

Browse through our collection of bell jar systems. These are all stock items. Custom systems can also be made to order


Bell Jar Accessories

We stock an extensive range of accessories and spare parts for the vacuum bell jars, degassing systems and pumps.


Contact Us

Please get in touch for prices and availability, or to discuss anything in detail. Someone is always on hand to help.


Some interesting experiments to perform inside a Bell Jar